Candidate Profile

Criminology & Law Enforcement
Psychology & Behavioural Studies
David Jefferies is a consultant psychologist who specialises in criminal psychology, investigations, and investigative interviews. He is also a specialist in deception detection. Although he has extensive knowledge and experience in many criminal cases and research, his keynote talk is on deception detection.

He has worked in investigations with the UK Government across several departments and the private sector. He has also served for many years as a Justice of the Peace, giving him a close-up view of the criminal justice system. he was introduced to deception detection many years ago while undertaking an MA in Fraud Management, starting with Scientific Content Analysis and then branching into behavioural psychology, statement analysis and microexpressions. Having completed training in deception detection with renowned experts in their fields and former FBI operatives, He brings his knowledge of these subjects together in a new way, bringing deception detection out of the criminal investigation world and making it accessible in many other walks of life.

In addition to his academic qualifications, he is a Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts. he is also secretary of the Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology, and Mathematics Educators (CASTME).

When not working on deception detection, he likes to play keyboards and volunteer with a heritage steam railway in his adopted home county of Norfolk.
1. Deception detection
How to spot deceptive behaviour caused by the conflicts between the conscious and unconscious mind. My talks cover several associated subjects.

2. Statement Analysis
The analysis of spoken and written language that indicates when deception through the choice of vocabulary. The structure of sentences, verb tense, pronouns, and identifying embedded confessions, along with much more. Using real-life examples, including video recordings, written statements, and famous cases, we explore this fascinating subject, which can also be evidenced in everyday life.

3. Microexpressions
Fleeting facial expressions that reveal the emotions that we attempt to suppress when lying and deceiving those we are talking with. Using visual images and video excerpts, we explore how we can't help but reveal our true feelings.

4. Behavioural Science
Often called 'body language,' examines the visual and physical signs that reveal the underlying truth of our words. Dispelling much of the mythology around nonverbal communication, we examine what to look for and what those signs indicate.

5. Truth-seeking
The three previous topics come together, culminating in a skillset that allows those aware and observant to listen and watch actively to identify when deception is present. In the modern age of unparalleled access and communication, it is even more important that we can identify those we have no real knowledge of who are seeking to deceive us. These skills enhance the ability to do so.

All of the above topics are not only fascinating but have real-world applications that improve our awareness, help aid better communications, reveal the truth, and strengthen relationships in life, both in business and socially.

I also have extensive knowledge of some of the most famous and infamous crimes and criminals in history. I will take you into the dark and murky world of crime as we seek to find out the truth and better understand the criminal mind.
Although I have been on many cruises as a passenger over the years, I do not currently have cruise ship speaking experience. However, I am an experienced international speaker, having lectured and spoken in the USA, Canada, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, and Singapore. I am also a qualified teacher with three degrees, including an MA, professional qualifications, membership of the British Psychological Society, and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts.